Monday, December 1, 2014

Lucky to have dogs

We're going through the process of having our dogs shipped to the UK. Its quite expensive, and quite a process. The dogs need passports, special flights, clearances by vets on both sides, shots, etc. We took our dogs in for their shots today and nearly had a tragedy with our older dog. About 20 minutes after the shot, she collapsed. Luckily my wife had stayed at the vet to watch for a reaction and the vets literally ran to help the dog. My wife had also remembered to ask for Benedryl and steroids before the shot, which I think saved the life of our dog. The vets were noticeably shaken by the dogs reaction, they asked the family to go home, plan for the worst and call back in an hour - not the message you want to hear!

We called an hour later to receive the great news that she was breathing again and blood pressure had returned to normal. She's at home now doing very well.

Moving countries is not easy. And its easy to underestimate the power of each little step in the process. Please go play with your pets right now if you happen to have any.

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