Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Heading to DC!

It's been so flattering to hear from many people wishing me well on the short trip back to DC. It's inspired me to write lots of personal well wishes too. Pay it forward, as they say, right? 

I slept in the new house for the first time last night. Seriously, the radiators are haunting. I woke up twice to howling or clunking. Maybe this is why it's called "bleeding" them, pretty sure a ghoul is gonna jump out and cause some real bleeding. 

The house only has beds and wifi so far. Other than a chair and a cup, what else do you really need? The bed worked fine as a chair, and you can drink straight out of a bottle, so actually, maybe we're all set :)

On a personal note, some recent leadership development has really been sticking with me. We learned a model with 6 personality types. Unfortunately, all 6 archetypes were negative, but the idea is to get you thinking. I came out as a "critic/doubter", probably very true. I'm now watching closely to see what words and behaviours I choose. My concern would be that my critic turns me into an "energy taker" as opposed to an "energy giver". I'll be watching for that. 

1 comment:

  1. But, in my experience at least, when you critique/doubt, you do it in a nice way that doesn't take others' energy. Always good to know what our potential landmines are, though, and be watching, as you say.
